About Us
We are a team of sisters that want people to enjoy a healthy, nutrition balanced, meal. We strive to make
all of our recipes super delicious without the guilt of eating unhealthy. We believe health is being able to
have a sustainable lifestyle. Thats what we are here for!
Our Team

Stephanie Zakich
Beneath that calm exterior is an impassioned culinary artist. Good things do come in small packages. One of ten
children, Steph has been used to maneuvering her way around the kitchen since she was nose high to the oven
handle. Always given freedom to express her passion for cooking and experimenting, her skills continued to
grow and mature through formal classes but mostly through her innate ability to mix, pair and compliment
tastes and ingredients. As her reputation grew, she became very sought after as a personal chef, which she is to
this day. Her foray into using food as fuel for health and fitness came from her personal struggle with weight
gain. Through careful study of how our bodies process food, through calorie and macro counting, she was finally
able to achieve the healthy life that she sought after. The success she experienced she wishes to share with all
those who are striving for a better and healthier life.

Savannah Zakich
General Manager- Does everything that Steph doesn't do, and keeps things running smooth! Savannah is known for meeting and loving people. On her days off you can find her being active, organizing, or finding something constructive to do.

Charity Zakich
Charity takes Monday's off her full time office job to be in the kitchen with us all. Our kitchen stays happy, fun, and easy going because of her. As much energy and life Charity can bring to a room, she loves taking life easy with a cup of coffee or tea and some good music.